Only if You’re Lucky

5 Star

Overall Take:
This was a fantastic thriller and I loved it! Buy yourself a copy of this gorgeous book.  

Star Rating:
5 stars 

Thriller, Mystery 

Lucy is bold and dangerous and shines very brightly. Margot is the exact opposite but is drawn to Lucy at the end of their freshman year. They end up sharing a house together off campus with two other girls. Margot is finally starting to feel like the fog is lifting after her best friend Eliza died her senior year of high school. 

Things are going well, and Margot feels like Lucy is her best friend. Until one of the boys from the fraternity next door unexpectedly dies and Lucy is missing. 

I have enjoyed all of Stacy Willingham’s previous books and I was very excited to get this one. This one was a little different than her previous two books in that this one is not a police procedural, rather a thriller set around college girls.  

I enjoyed getting to know Margot and learning about female friendships throughout the book. The bonds that the women shared was rather interesting. I found Lucy’s character to be intriguing, she was strong and charismatic, which made for a fun read. It was a little hard keeping track of all the characters, but once I had it down things were great. 

The writing is done exceptionally well, and on par with what I expected from this author. There was so much drama in this book that it sucked me in and captivated me from the start.  

This one is a slow burn but it did hold my interest, and I couldn’t put it down. The chapters were concise which helped hold my interest. The dual timeline was entertaining and added a lot of intrigue to the story. I liked the twists and didn’t see them coming, they were well done, and I’m still shocked by the big one.  

This is a really solid read from an amazing author, and I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next.  

Thanks for my copy to:  
Thank you to St Martin’s Press, Minotaur Books, @minotaur_books and Netgalley @netgalley for this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.   

Publication Date:  
January 16, 2024 

Page Length
384 pages 

Minotaur Books 

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